Lockdown Life

So here we are, nearly 6 weeks into lockdown, and it doesn’t look like much is going to change any time soon. We are in such a horrendous time where people we love are hurting and the amount of people we are losing is staggering. I would just like to take a moment to thank all the people who are still working over Covid-19. You are amazing. Another hard – although not as hard – thing about this pandemic is lockdown itself. One thing that is certain is that lots of people are all dealing with lockdown in different ways. For me personally, I’ve been okay. It’s been hard at times, but I have found a couple of strategies that have helped me through this weird, crazy time in our history. So I thought I’d share some of those things that have helped me through. A lot of it seems so obvious, and I know that we can tend to switch off when things seem obvious. But I have often found that it isn’t knowing what to do that is the problem, but it is putting that into practice. The first three nuggets have come from the bible, as the bible is an amazing source of advice and life.

1) What are you thankful for?
Myself and Jonny walked up a mini mountain called Rest Dodd a year or so ago. As we drove up, we saw a massive cloud covering the top of it, but we’d driven all that way and it seemed fine. It probably wasn’t the wisest decision we ever made. The weather was absolutely awful. The rain was relentless and soaked all the way through our waterproof clothes, and the wind was so strong I could barely stay upright. We had to keep our hoods secured to our heads or our hats whipped right off.

Safe to say, we didn’t make it all the way to the top, but unfortunately, we had given it a good go. We were hungry, wet and freezing cold, and the journey down seemed never ending. Getting to the car had never seemed like such a wonderful idea and we were over the moon when we got there. We dried off and changed into our spare clothes, turned the heating on in the car and ate the last few snacks we had left. I remember saying to Jonny that I had never appreciated shelter, warmth and food as much as I did in that moment. Such luxuries are things I took for granted most of the time. The same can be said for most things we have in our life. We can become so used to them we forget about them. It can be easy to look at what we don’t have sometimes instead of what we do, and lockdown definitely has a way of highlighting that. But the thing is, when we get into this mind set, it is never going to help. It is never going to make us feel good. Perhaps resentful, but never happy. In truth, the times where I have felt lowest was when I thought about what I was missing out on. That I couldn’t see people, that I missed going out, that I couldn’t go on holiday.
But when I have taken this solid advice and talked to my husband Jonny about what I’m thankful for – what we do have – and focused on that, taken a different perspective, it has shifted my whole mood. We have much to be grateful for. Even just the fact we are warm or have somewhere to sleep, or can see or hear or taste, or that we wake up healthy. It is not something to take for granted. There is so much to be thankful about the world we live in, especially when we find out things like how our sun is just the right distance from the sun otherwise life couldn’t exist or that if we were to read the 3 billion character DNA in just one little cell in our bodies, it would be 6 feet long and would take 96 years just to read the description of us. It is amazing! Through lockdown we have had sunshine to brighten up our day and it has happened over Spring which has made the world around us so beautiful.

Instead of thinking that lockdown is time away from people, it can actually be seen as precious time with family. It can be seen as more time to video call friends or more time to try things we didn’t have time to try before. It’s a change of perspective. What do we have? I believe our time on earth isn’t meant to just be about survival, but of abundance and blessing. However, unless we properly recognise what we’ve been given, we won’t be able to experience that life. Thankfulness is not a one- time thing, it is a lifestyle, and that takes practice. We have to be purposeful about it.

2) Get connected.
It can be really hard to do this one. I know a lot of people that have felt anxiety about this and I know for myself there have been a lot of times when I just didn’t want to. But I know when joy and energy are zapped from us, it is often the things that help us that are the last things we want to do. Instead, we do nothing and then feel guilty for doing nothing. I had a day like this, and forced myself to attend a ‘cuppa and catch up’ session my uni was holding. I had no intention of turning my mic or camera on. I was only there to hear any updates. However I found myself typing messages to people and joining in, and as soon as the session was over, I suddenly had a burst of energy. Usually, phoning someone feels like an effort, but when I get off the phone with them, I feel so much better in myself and closer to them. The bible says that we are to love one another and build each other up, encourage each other. Why? Because when we love people and help people, it brings us joy! For this one I would even go as far as to say, no matter what we’re feeling, push through. We can’t let our feelings allow us to alienate ourselves. We were not created to be alone. We are meant to be part of a community, a family. We need each other the most in this time, not our crazy thoughts.

3) What is truth?
Which leads me to my next point. Lockdown has given us all a lot of thinking time, and if you’re anything like me, your mind has the habit of wandering and makes a lot of assumptions. Our feelings can get in the way and lead us to believe things. But feelings are not truth. Feelings are up and down and all over the place. They are not a reliable source of information. And yet we let our feelings determine what we believe so much, which means that we can believe a lot of lies, particularly about ourselves and other people. One example of this could be that if no one’s contacting us for a little while, no one cares. We are all alone. The truth is however, that we are all sat at home thinking this, and people have got so much on their plate that either they’re just trying to get through the day or have anxiety about calling anyone. It is not because you do not matter to them. That is not truth. It is a lie we are believing because of our feelings, because we have had too much thinking time. The next strategy and piece of advice from the bible then is that it is important to make sure we are reading truth every day. It is an important ability to be able to identify things that we believe about ourselves and others and determine whether they are lies or truth. And if there are any lies we are believing, to write down the truth instead and read it as often as we need to until it sticks in our heads. It has been an amazing way to combat thinking. It takes time, but it’s worth it. For me personally, oh my days I could not have gotten through this without God. I have needed to read the truth about who I am and who He is and how He dealt with stuff every morning to start my day. There are some great sources of truth in the bible. I have needed to remember that real love is not that people love us, but that we love them. That instead of thinking about how I am so lonely and no one is contacting me, I can realise that the people I love feel the same way, and that I can be the person that helps them remember that they are cared about. They are supported. Instead of thinking that I am worthless, I can remember that that someone went to great lengths to have me in their lives, that I am beautifully and wonderfully made and that I am not a mistake but that I am here for a purpose, especially now during this pandemic. This is truth for us all.  

4) Keep some routine.
A more practical point, but a helpful one. From day one, I knew if I didn’t do this, all the days would merge into one. Specifically, I made sure my week days felt different to my weekends. There were specific things I tried to do each day during the week, particularly setting aside a couple of hours to work so that I achieved something each week and kept purpose in my life. However, I kept the weekends free, or had some combination of days off. Sometimes those days off needed to happen in the middle of the week because I woke up with no intentions of doing anything, and that’s okay. They’re not things to feel guilty about. I love a good ‘do nothing day.’ They have been so necessary. But so have the week days. So has routine.
One thing I would suggest, try and go for a walk every day. Most of the time, I never feel like going. But when I do, I never regret it. Fresh air is so good for us and it’s good to get out the house, have a bit of exercise.

These are just a few of the things that have helped me. I hope you find them helpful and they make your lockdown life a more pleasant thing to experience. I hope your life becomes about living again, and not just surviving, and lastly, I pray that we will VERY soon see the end of Covid-19.

The Fourth Key to Happiness

Way back in February,  I started this series and said that there was a fourth secret to happiness.
Not everyone will agree with me on this one, but that’s okay. I’m simply sharing how it’s inspired me and given me joy in nearly every situation I face, both good and bad. And that’s my relationship with Jesus.

The questions or statements that I hear a lot are;

How? How does religion bring you happiness?

Surely you’re just following a bunch of rules? That’s the opposite of freedom. That’s living with restrictions right?

I guess my answer to that is it all comes down to understanding and perspective.

Perspective is one of the reasons why Christianity has got itself a bad name. God has been given a really bad reputation. Take “sin,” for example. Most of my friends have the perspective that God has given us a big “don’t do this” list and if we do any of it, God is angry and we are bad people. It’s seen as judgemental and restrictive. Plus most of the stuff on that list seems harmless. It’s all a bit of fun. It’s just following your feelings. God is just being harsh for the sake of it. He’s a kill joy.

However, that’s not who God is to me or how I view “sin.” That’s not my perspective.
Some of you reading this may be parents or know parents at least. When you raise your children, you don’t say to your babies or toddlers, “do whatever feels good. Do whatever makes you happy.” If you do that, you’re going to have children putting all sorts in their mouth, running out into roads, snatching and pushing each other, climbing whatever they can get their hands on, jumping off of whatever they can climb, touching things that can hurt them and all the rest. As a parent, you put rules in place to keep your children safe. Yes they are curious and they love to explore, and they will explore, but within the boundaries that keep them safe! Because currently, they are not the best judges of character of what is good and safe and what will harm them. They don’t know the different between right and wrong yet and they never will unless you teach them. If children misbehave, they are spoken to. There are consequences because how else will they learn? Within the rules and boundaries that are put in place for them, your children thrive and grow and develop in a way that is safe and good, and they get to live their best lives.

This is what kind of parent our God is that I’ve come to know. And the stuff we label as sin isn’t actually as harmless as people think. In fact it can be harmful. We may not be children and therefore know the difference between right and wrong. However, that is before our feelings come into play. Unfortunately, we are heavily influenced by our feelings. We may know something is wrong, but if we want it, we follow our feelings and damn the consequences. We go against common sense because our feelings are too overwhelming. Ultimately, following feelings is all well and good until it is at the expense of others. Until we hurt people.
Sin usually hurts us and others around us. God knows this, and that is why he hates sin. That is why he puts boundaries in place. Your child may really feel like touching that iron. But you’re not going to let them do it! And you certainly don’t see a parent stopping their child from touching an iron and say to them, “Why are you restricting them?” God gives us boundaries because he has our best interests at heart and he loves us. He doesn’t want us to hurt other people, and he wants us to be good and safe and live life to the full. He wants the best for us. He’s a good father. That is the real Christian perspective. That is the real God.

So that explains why he has put boundaries in place, but still, how is my faith a secret to happiness? Because God doesn’t take away everything. Instead He gives me everything! I don’t feel as though I live my life following rules. In fact it’s the complete opposite. The bible says Jesus came to bring life and life to the full. John 10:10. That is exactly how it feels. I feel as though I live my life to the full. But how does He do this?

1) By giving us a joy that lasts, even when we don’t “feel” happy.
I’m not talking about the feeling of happiness. It is something else entirely. And it comes from knowing who God is, what he’s done for us and remembering all that he’s promised us. I have gone through some really tough things in my life that have really tested me. Things that had the potential to send me under. I have been both the person that has hurt someone and the someone who has been hurt and it has been horrendous. But in those times, I (eventually) trusted in the God I knew and spent time with Him. I reminded myself who He was. That I had the God who created the universe on my side. This powerful God who happened to adore me had my back and more importantly had me! And if that was the case, what did I have to fear? I was completely safe and in good hands.

And the more I spent time with Him and remembered who He was, He reminded me of who I am. Sometimes it can be easy to lose yourself when times are overwhelming. It’s always good to have a voice there to remind you of who you really are. He also reminded me of His promise that everything was going to be okay. That my situation is temporary compared to the good future he has in store for me which is very, very permanent. A sad story is more bearable if you know it has a happy ending. People can keep going when they know what they’re moving towards. Looking forward to the future is not a bad thing. It can bring you hope and perseverance in a seemingly hopeless situation. I’m not denying that. However, it does not mean you can’t find joy now in the present. You will miss out on life if your mind lives in the future, because there are blessings in our lives today. This was another thing that happened when I spent time with God. The more I remembered who He is, the more He reminded me what He’d given me. He reopened my eyes to the blessings around me, who I had and what I had, which leads me to my next point. Another way God gives us life to the full.

2) By filling our lives with good things.
He’s given us our talents and dreams inside of us, the people we love beside us and the beautiful world around us! What this whole series has been about, the other three secrets to life… He gave them to us to bring us happiness. He didn’t create us to be slaves or mindless robots. He created us to love us as his children – to be our Father – and one of the ways he does this is by giving us things to make us happy. We love giving our children gifts and seeing their reactions… same thing.
What’s more, like I’ve said all the way through this series, he has freely given them to us. There’s no catch. They are not things we have to buy. They are not things only other people have. They are not things that are in our past or things we have to wait for in the future. He freely gives them to us now. To enjoy now because He loves us. He’s filled our lives with good things. Things that will bring us real and true happiness.

3) By encouraging us to do good!

“Half of the reason we exist is because we are created to love and enjoy them…”

The Secrets to Happiness.

Half of the reason. The other half that brings us happiness and one of my main points from this post is that we were created to love other people extravagantly!
The bible tells us that all God’s commands can be summed up in this one commandment.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind… and love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Matthew 22:37- 39

He encourages us to love people! The bible is full of advice of how to love people best! And again, he doesn’t ask us to do it because it’s a boring thing to do. He knows that it brings us joy! He knows it will make us happy. It does something to us. We always feel something different when we watch people go out of their way for someone else. When someone surprises someone that they love. When we watch a little child share their sweets and toys When we hear about the soldiers who gave their lives for their friends and country. Some people get really excited when giving gifts or doing something kind for someone else because they can’t wait to see their reaction. Can’t wait to make them happy. It feels good to do good for other people. I want to talk more about this so I will do a post specifically about this. But doing good for other people is what I believe to be the other half of why we were created. It’s built into us, to love each other and take care of each other. If we can do this, if we can start to think of others instead of ourselves, we again unlock another area of joy that fills our lives entirely.

God has been seriously misrepresented. He is not a kill joy. He brings joy! He is not sat there waiting for us to trip up and judge us, He is a good Father who loves us and wants us to know Him.
So if the reason people think being a Christian is boring or bad is because we miss out on things and just follow a set of rules, that couldn’t be further from the truth. He doesn’t restrict my life. He adds to my life. He is my life. My present is full of good things and good people, and I have a relationship with a God who loves me and has my best interests at heart, who also protects me from hurting myself and others. He gives me life to the full.
If you’ve read this and want to know more about it, here is a link to a post I wrote in April that can give you that. https://tiffanyjade.blog/2019/04/21/what-is-easter-really-about/

But this is where my “be thankful for what you have” message ends! I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope it has opened your eyes to all the good stuff that is around you. I hope you’ve been inspired to hang out more with the amazing people in your life, or been inspired to explore more of this beautiful world we live in, or challenged to go for it with your dreams and talents, not caring about what everyone else thinks or comparing it to what they have. You don’t need to look anywhere other than what you have in the here and now. The grass isn’t greener on the other side. It is greener where you water it. Happy watering.

The Secrets to Happiness

The First Key to Happiness

The Second Key to Happiness

The Third Key to Happiness

The Third Key to Happiness

My message is simple this time. Get outside!


Three reasons.

1) It chills us out!

Our lives can get so busy that sometimes we forget to just stop, breathe and take a look at the world around us. We forget to enjoy nature, culture, the sounds, the smells, the sights, which – when you do stop – can actually be quite beautiful.

There have been so many times where I have been worried about a situation or over stressed from work or angry from some sort of disagreement that I have just needed to get out and clear my head. It’s absolutely incredible how quickly all those toxic feelings disappear as you walk through somewhere like a park and simply look at the scenery around you.


There’s something about going out and exploring that is so therapeutic. It clears your mind, gives you space to think and reminds you that the world is a lot bigger and more beautiful than your problems. It just makes you feel better! Additionally to this, walking around makes us more active and therefore healthier, and exercise is not only good for our bodies, it makes us feel happier too. It can physically change our mood. So if you are feeling worried, stressed, annoyed or anxious about anything, I would advise you to find somewhere cool to explore and take your mind off of it for a while. Free therapy is always a win.

2) It improves our social life.

My husband Jonny and I are youth workers in Manchester. Roughly every year we take our young people to a Christian festival during the Summer. For five days, they have to adjust to a life without 24/7 social media and actually start chatting to each other. And what happens over those five days is beautiful. You watch these kids go from near enough silently staring at their phones to talking and laughing with each other, playing games, giving each other banter and forming genuine friendships. I am not one who is against technology. I can 100% see the benefits of having it. However, I do believe that using it too much can rob us of building relationships. It’s a great method of communication, but not when it is literally replacing communication! Or any interaction for that matter.

One of the things Jonny and I decided to do this year was climb a mountain once a month. Now we have not achieved that by any stretch of the imagination. But we have gone on more walks, and on the months where we do make it out (and up) it has been amazing for us. It has given us the space to catch up and chat and dream together. We end up having conversations that don’t usually take place because we have made time for each other to do something together outside. There are no distractions. Just the beautiful world around us.

One time, we went to somewhere called ‘Waterfalls Trail,’ and found a waterfall that we could actually go behind. We’d never done that before and I haven’t found anything like it since so far. It was stunning. Really cool.

This also happens when we go on holiday. One of our favourite things to do together is travel. See new places and explore together because it’s an adventure. Shared experiences give you something to talk about and remember. And the thing about nature and culture is it’s something to be shared.

It’s the same with my friends. Sometimes we all decide to go somewhere together and explore, and that is where some of the best memories are made. It’s a chance to put down everything else in your life that has taken center stage for a while, and actually focus on each other, doing something fun and therapeutic. You sometimes end up learning things about each other that you never knew and have the opportunity to do things together that you wouldn’t usually get to do. All other distractions are stripped away and you’re left with the space to talk and experience an adventure together. Seen as it’s Summer, whether it’s a spontaneous holiday or road trip or even a walk, why not put the phones away for a bit, plan to explore somewhere with your friends or family and just see what memories you can make?

3) It helps you become thankful.

When people try to describe me in one word, usually I get something along the lines of joyful. “Tiffany, you’re always so happy. You’re always smiling.” Now although it is not true that I am always happy, it is true that I am mostly happy. Why? I am joyful because I am thankful! And being thankful is something I have learnt to be. I have learnt to look at what I have instead of what other people have and be grateful for it. And one of the things that I am hugely thankful for is the world around me! Like I mentioned in, ‘The Secrets to Happiness,’ it can be so easy to look at what everyone else has and suddenly become very aware of what we don’t have. But this – I believe – is where the problem lies. It lies in where we are looking. The truth is we all have reasons to be thankful. And very simply, the world around us is one of those reasons. Being aware of the different cultures and natural wonders of the world changes your perspective.

Noticing how beautiful the trees become in autumn or when it’s snowed. Walking through forests or woods or hiking up a mountain and witnessing breath taking views from the top. Taking a boat ride and becoming overwhelmed at how blue and how big the sea is and how many cool creatures live there. Checking out different cities and different cultures and trying different food, listening to different music, speaking different languages. Falling in love with animals, some of which might fall in love with you.

There is so much to be in awe of. There is so much to be thankful for. At the end of the day, it’s all about perspective. We can believe we have nothing to be thankful for, but in fact we have a whole landscape of things to be thankful for. And it is all available to us all. They are freely given gifts for us to experience whenever we are ready. Sometimes you just need to get out and see what’s around you. Sometimes you just need to step out of the door.

I genuinely believe the world is a gift to us. To sit at home and never explore it is like being given an amazing present that you open but never use. It just sits in the box getting dusty. You’re not getting the most out of it. In order to experience some genuine happiness, we need to learn to make the most out of this gift! We need to learn to get out and explore! Put down your busy schedule for a moment and enjoy life. Bring people with you. Get outside, find those experiences and make memories.

The Second Key to Happiness

On the 5th January this year, my cousin told me she was considering doing the Manchester Marathon. A few minutes of messages back and forth, I then received a message saying, “7th April… I just booked it!!! I feel sick.”

She told me she instantly regretted her decision and all the doubts started to creep in. She had run 13.1 miles before so this meant she was literally doubling what she had ever done before. But there was no going back now, and she had 3 months to train.


We are a generation that absolutely loves watching people use their talents. Just take a look at the crowds at the Olympics or any sporting event. See the level of support in any talent show such as ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ or ‘Britain’s got Talent.’ Take a look at cooking programmes, matches, gigs, shows, races. We love seeing people excel at what they’re good at. For some of us, it even makes us quite emotional to see someone do what they love. When we watch people use their gifts, we are watching them become completely vulnerable in front of us. They might make mistakes. They might get criticised, and yet they are allowing us to see a part of who they are anyway. When we watch others who have worked hard achieve their dreams, it does something to us emotionally. It inspires us and it fills us with joy. And that is just by watching other people! There is nothing quite like the sense of achievement we feel when we reach our own goals and achieve our dreams. It is breath taking. It gives us a boost for life and a feeling that we can do anything, that we are doing what we were meant to do. I think a reason for this is because our talents are a massive part of who we are and I genuinely believe that it is a massive reason why we were created in the first place. Our talents play a massive role in our purpose here, and therefore a massive role in our happiness.

So why do some of us find it so hard to do what we love? If there are inspiring people around us, why do we find it so hard to step out? I believe that once again, the answer lies in where we are looking.

The past
Bad past experiences can have a massive impact of whether we use our talents or not. Some of us did try and step out. Some of us did make ourselves vulnerable in front of people, did expose who we were and we got burnt. We made mistakes, we endured negative opinions and we retreated. We have grown up believing that mistakes are bad and that our value comes from the approval of others. So with humiliation and potential rejection as our experience of stepping out, why would we want to put ourselves out there again?

The future
For some people nothing bad has happened yet, and therefore we would like it to stay that way. Sometimes it is down to fear of the unknown. Fear of failure.  Maybe you’ve given different things a go in private but after a few attempts you realise you’re not “very good.” Because of this, you assume that’s just not your thing and move on. Or maybe you haven’t even got as far as trying because you’re too scared you’ll look like an idiot… that you’ll find something else you can’t do. If you don’t use it, no one can touch it. If you don’t try anything, there is zero chance of making any mistakes. Again, it is that fear of being vulnerable.

I don’t know your past and the extent of how that has affected you. I also don’t know the level of anxiety you feel about failure. But I do know that when it comes to these first two barriers, they are usually very closely interlinked with this final barrier.   

The opinions of others

‘If you had asked me what I loved doing, I would of said dancing… I loved to dance when I was younger.  I danced all the time, anywhere and everywhere, getting involved in anything that I could. But if you asked me if I was dancing now, my answer would have been no. And the reason for this is quite simple. I cared too much about what people thought.
I don’t think I’m alone in that…
The thing about our talents is that they are a little part of who we are. They are precious to us because not only are we good at them, we enjoy them. So if anyone were to reject our talents, they would be rejecting us. We don’t want people to think that we are not good enough at our talents because that’s the thing we’re good at. So if people think we are not good at that, then what are we good at? We tell ourselves, ‘nothing.’ So to prevent this, we take our talents, the things we’re good at, the things we enjoy, and we hide them away because we are afraid of the world’s opinion.’

‘It’s Time for the Deep End’ – tiffanyjadedotblog

No one wants to be made fun of, rejected or laughed at. None of us want to feel inferior to someone else or shown up. To be made to feel that we are not good enough. It’s humiliating. Mistakes are embarrassing, and so we try to avoid that. But the problem we start to face is that by avoiding stepping out, we begin to let people control what we do or don’t do. And if our talents are a part of who we are and things we genuinely enjoy, then there is a whole part of living that we are missing out on. I didn’t touch dance for 7 years. My fear stole away 7 years of what I loved because that is what fear does. It is a thief that steals our joy.

I like the idea of being brave. If you tell a child that they have been brave, you will almost definitely see how proud they are of themselves. But what is it to be brave?


I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

Nelson Mandela

So many people think that the definition of courage if that you aren’t afraid of anything. But that is not courage. Nelson Mandela is saying that true bravery comes when you are afraid of something, and yet you do it anyway! It is not a feeling, but an action. I have often used this quote to inspire young people to face the unknown because it is important to me for them to understand that being afraid doesn’t make them weak, but in fact can be the very thing that makes them strong. When we step out with our talents, we are closer to understanding real joy than we realised. The deep end is where we find real adventure. Where we learn more about ourselves and life than we ever could from playing it safe.
What is fear at the end of the day?
The opinions of others are false evidence. Why? Because opinions are subjective. They’re inconsistent, unreliable and unsteady. Sometimes people are for you and sometimes they’re against you, and if we base our identity and belief of who we are on such an unstable foundation, we will never be able to grow. The reality of the situation is it doesn’t matter what people think. If we are to experience true happiness, we cannot let fear confine us.

It is the same with mistakes. We have grown up teaching ourselves that mistakes are bad. But in reality, mistakes are nothing to be afraid of! Mistakes are the lessons we need to take in order to learn. Find out what works and what doesn’t? You live and learn. It’s not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a great thing! Why should we let mistakes prevent us from growing? When it comes to our talents and doing what we enjoy, we cannot afford to be held back by our own insecurities formed by our past or future. We cannot afford to be held back by the opinions of others because opinions are not truth! Why should we let others steal our happiness? Why should we let them determine what we can or can’t do?

When I realised this, it freed me. Freed me to do what I loved again without the weight of other’s opinions. Instead of looking at people with similar talents and seeing them as competitors, I saw them as inspirations. If they had got to where they are through hard work, I had to put the work in too if I wanted to be as good. If I gave up, how could I ever achieve my dreams? We were different. I was me and they were them, and both were beautiful. We all brought something different to the table.” In the brilliant film, ‘Eddie the Eagle,’ a man is told time and time again that he would never be an Olympian. But he defied all odds and did it anyway, because he realised, “Only you can hold yourself back.”

“A true Olympian is not just about a God given skill set. It’s about never giving up no matter what.”  

Eddie the Eagle (Film)

A life of adventure
In her 3 months of preparation, my cousin faced an injury and many struggles along the way. But on the 7th April, she ran her marathon. She ran 26 miles in 4:38. I have never been so proud of her in my life. The support in Manchester was amazing. Crowds filled the streets, thousands of people cheering on complete strangers. It is true that you shouldn’t let people control your life, but a lot of the time when you step out, people end up being more supportive than you thought they’d be. After her race, she told us she would never do anything like that again. I laughed and told her that was a load of rubbish. She had the bug for running and it was only a matter of time before she signed up for another race. And guess what? On the 10th April she had signed up for next years Manchester Marathon! The realisation of what she’d done had sunk in and this time she didn’t just want to complete the race. She wanted to beat her time. She is an inspiration to so many of us now because she is someone who faced her fear of failure and overcame it. She didn’t just dip her toe into the deep end. She dived in and now she is one of the 1% in the UK that has competed in a marathon.

There are other barriers to why we don’t do what we love. Whether that be due to lack of time, energy, inspiration or motivation. If you want to read more about them or go into more depth about what I have written about today, then you can read both, ‘It’s time for the deep end,’ and ‘Finding what you love,’ on my blog page. But to round this up, my advice would be to stop looking at your past, or at the future, or at everyone else around you, and instead look at the gifts you have been given yourself. Take them and run with them. Make mistakes. Learn from those mistakes. Grow. Achieve. You be you and live your best life. Be thankful. Be happy. Adventure starts today.

What is Easter really about?

What is Easter really about?

When it comes to the Easter story, I think a large proportion of people have heard the gist of it. We know there’s a guy called Jesus and He died on a cross. It’s a very strange concept when you think about it and some of you might be curious as to why we celebrate someone dying?
A man called James Bryan Smith writes in one of his books,

“They say all musicals can be broken down into ‘boy meets girls, boy loses girl, boy gets girl.’ What if you isolated one section, ‘boy loses girl’ and tried to explain the whole story with that single episode? Our understanding would be limited and distorted.”

James Bryan Smith

The same is true for the Easter story. We may not have heard the whole story – just parts – and therefore our understanding of it is limited. When taken out of context, of corse it sounds weird and pointless. Why do Christians celebrate Jesus dying on the cross? What is the whole story here? As it is Easter, I want to have a go at sharing the whole story.

In the beginning…
There was God and nothing else. So God decided to create the world and everything in it – and out of it. Could He have done that with a big bang? Maybe?
But despite how extravagant and beautiful the world was, it wasn’t enough for Him. So He created us. Why? To be His servants? To mindlessly be under His control?

1. Why are we here?

No. The very reason we exist is because God created us to love us. He created us to be His children and have a relationship with us. What do good parents do for their children? They take care of them, protect them, provide for them, give them lots of good gifts and love them with everything they have. And all they desire in return is for their children to love them back, be thankful and listen to them.

This is the reason we exist. Not to be slaves, but to be loved. He gave us everything! First of all He gave us Himself… to love us, protect us and provide for us. And on top of that He gave us our friends and family, our talents, the beautiful world around us, all for us to enjoy. Why? Because we are His children. And all He wanted in return was us, to love Him and each other. He didn’t decide to control us like puppets on a string. But instead He chose to give us our own free will and make our own choices. He wanted us to CHOOSE to love Him. Why would he do this? He is an incredibly powerful creator of the universe and we are a tiny species in comparison. So why would He create us to love us? The answer is this. Because His love is just as incredible as His power, and He wanted to pour it out on His children, on us.

He’s not just a powerful king, He’s a good King and we were special to Him. We are enough for Him.

But we are quite a forgetful species, and eventually we forgot who God was and what He’d given. So we turned our backs on Him and started trying to do things our own way. However, no one is perfect and we all started getting things wrong, hurting other people and ourselves.

2. What went wrong?

This is the part of the story that is hard to accept for most people. Because this is where we have to see ourselves as the ones who messed up, and we don’t like doing that. We like to defend ourselves. But we can’t deny that this world is not messed up! Betrayal, insulting, fighting, stealing, slavery, discrimination, cheating, lying, deceiving, hurting, abuse, murder, etc. This is what Christians refer to as sin. And whether we play a “small” part in that or a big part in that, we play a part none the less. We’ve all made mistakes. No one is perfect.

Here it’s important we remember that God is good! In fact He is so good and so holy that He can’t physically be around sin. He HATES it! So the more we sinned, the more we separated ourselves from Him. This is where people think God can sound extreme. He’s obviously not a good God if He didn’t accept us as we are? If He expected us to be perfect?
But you see the reason we were separated from God is because He IS good. If you buy some new white trainers and then walk in the mud and stain them, they are no longer white trainers. They’re stained. If our good God accepted the wrong stuff we do – stuff that hurts us and other people – how can He still be good? He couldn’t. He’d be blemished. Therefore in order to be good He can’t accept anything less. You might hear some people saying that He accepts it all because he loves us. But the fact He loves us is the very reason He can’t accept it. On the contrary, He HATES it because He knows the damage and the hurt it causes to everyone and everything it touches. Sin destroys people lives!

What He hated the most though, was that it took us away from Him. When we chose to go our own way, that meant a life – and an eternity after life – without our Creator. You need to be perfect to get to Heaven, so us trying to get to Heaven on our own was like people trying to jump to the moon. Some people jump as high as they can, some don’t try at all, but whatever the effort, no one is going to make it to the moon without someone taking them there. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t earn our way to heaven. We could try to be good but we would never be perfect. We weren’t going to make it.

So if this is the case, then surely everything we have heard about God being an angry God and judging everyone is true? Right? Wrong. Because the story didn’t end there.
If you read the bible, you see time and time again that our King constantly kept trying to make a way back to him. In fact, the bible is FULL of stories of God making a way back to Him, finally resulting in Him coming down and saving us Himself.

3. Why would he save us?

Jesus emptied Himself of all his glory and came down to our broken world in order to save us, to make a way back for us. He suffered some of the most inhumane brutality in history, ending with His death on the cross. Just watch ‘The Passion of Christ’ if you want an idea of what that looks like. He took the punishment that was coming for us so that we didn’t have to. Anything and everything that you and I have ever done or will do wrong, He took the punishment for it to clear our name, so we could be innocent again and able to come back to Him. He gave us a fresh start. A clean slate. The second Jesus muttered those words, “It is finished,” he made it possible for us to go to Heaven and have a relationship with him again

But why? If He hated sin, why would He do that? The answer is simply this. Yes He hated sin, but He loved us more! We are His children and He didn’t want to be separated from us. He wanted us home! He gave His life so that He could bring us back to Him and everything He’d given us. He knew who He’d created us to be, who we truly are and His love for US was unconditional. It was bigger than our failures. Ultimately, we didn’t understand the consequences of our actions, but He did. He loved us and he wanted us back, so he did something about it.

The best thing about this story is that it STILL doesn’t end there. Jesus didn’t stay in the grave. Three days later, He rose from the dead, defeated death itself, triumphant and bringing us back to our purpose of being His children that He loved, who know Him and love Him and each other. Without this part, the rest would be irrelevant. But it’s true, and there were many witnesses. There is more evidence than you think. He’s alive! This is the King we follow. This is why we celebrate! This is why it is good news! The King we follow isn’t dead. He was so powerful, that He defeated death itself and brought us home.

This is what Easter is about. A powerful, good God who loved us so fiercely that He gave His own life to spare ours and made a way back to Him. This is what Christians mean when they say they believe they are going to heaven. Heaven is where God is. We are going to where God is because we believe in Jesus and what He did, and we are forever thankful. We are not saved because we are trying to be good enough but because HE is good enough. We are not saved by our own efforts, but by His. It is a gift He has freely given us amongst all the rest He gives. But we haven’t just got heaven in the future, we can have life to the full with Him today! He is with us now.

4. What now?

We have the chance to go back to our original purpose and live a life of being loved by and loving God if we simply believe and choose Him. To turn away from whatever we were following and follow Him. It’s a decision that only we can make.

If we do decide to choose this, when we understand who Jesus is and what He’s done, a feeling of gratefulness comes over us where we want to serve Him and give Him our whole life. And Jesus says the way we can do this is simply by loving others and telling them about Him. That is His heart. For us to know and love Him, love others and help them know Him too. I mentioned this in ‘The Fourth Secret to Happiness,’ but loving others fills us with a joy that nothing else can really give. It is a source of happiness and purpose for sure!

I made that decision for myself officially when I was 14 years old, and I have never once looked back. Life is still full of ups and downs but I have Jesus who loves me unconditionally, who protects me like He always has and always will. He has given me life to the absolute full. I may not know where the ride of life may take me, but I know who I’m riding with. It’s not even just me, but all my friends and family who have also accepted Him. We can see all the good things He has given for us and all He continues to give to us and we will be forever thankful! There are no words to express how amazing He is. There is no greater love. And we will always remember. That is who my God is, and this is what Easter is really about.

If you would like to give your life to God, you only need to pray. You simply have to say that you know you’ve messed up and are sorry, but that you believe Jesus, the Son of God, came down to die in your place and rose again. Pray that you want to give your life to follow Him from now on. That’s it. If you do decide this, please feel free to contact me. I will be very glad to chat to you about it.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life.

John 3:16

The First Key to Happiness

We are all searching for happiness. I mean, who doesn’t want to be happy? It’s all anyone wants. But how can we find it?

‘We will never experience happiness if we always focus on what we don’t have and give into this need of wanting more. Not the happiness we’re looking for anyway. Yes we can buy a temporary version of it, but it never lasts long. I’m not talking about that kind of happiness. I’m talking about something deeper. I’m talking about a happiness that brings contentment, purpose and a joy that does last. That is what we really desire. And I believe it is attainable. What’s more, I believe I have it. The secrets to happiness. The key to unlocking those secrets was right in front of me the entire time, and the same is true for you. I believe the answer lies right underneath your nose. The key is this: The things that bring real joy aren’t the things we buy, but are in fact the things that are already freely given to us by someone who created us to enjoy them! It does not come in many forms, but in three:
1. Our relationships
2. …
3. …

‘The Secrets to Happiness’

For some reason, we are under the illusion that we don’t have everything we need to be happy, so we go looking for it. We get stuck in the past, wishing we could go back or we look to the future, impatient for the “next best thing” instead of being ‘present in the moment.’ We look around at what everyone else has rather than what we already have ourselves. We look at what we don’t have instead of what we already do have, trying to buy happiness. We look anywhere but right in front of us. And this translates into our relationships. And when I say relationships, I am not just referring to romantic ones. I am referring to all kinds of relationships. Friends, family, work colleagues… the whole lot!

One of the most successful TV shows has to be F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I know so many people who watch repeats over and over and still aren’t bored of it. The writing is absolutely genius and it is such a funny, feel good show. It’s a feel good show because they are living the ideal life. Everyone wants what they have. Everyone wants a tight group of friends that are there for them through the good times and the bad. That’s all anyone wants. People to hang out with every day and do life together! People who make us laugh and comfort us when we need them. People who know everything about us – warts and all – and still love us more than anything else in the world. It’s what we long for.

We dream about the relationships we haven’t got yet. The kind of relationships we wish for, the people we will eventually meet one day. We reminisce about past relationships, people we miss but will probably never see again. We seethe with jealousy when we look at other people’s relationships and see how much they all get on with each other. How they always look like they’re having the best time together and care about each other so much. We genuinely believe that they have a better relationship with their friends/partner/family than we have with ours. But it’s time to start calling these beliefs what they really are…


It is a lie that we have to wait for the best relationships.
It is a lie that the best relationships we will ever have are in the past.
It is a lie that we have absolutely no one in our lives that will ever care about us.
And the most convincing one, it is a lie that everyone’s relationships are better than yours. This is the one that has fooled people the most. The vast majority of us compare our lives and our relationships with others, and believe what they have is better.

‘Comparison is the thief of joy’

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt could not have said it more clearly even if he tried. I even named one of my blogs with this saying https://tiffanyjade.blog/2018/10/13/friends-part-3/ Comparison does exactly this! It robs us from experiencing real joy. Instagram is terrible for it! It has become a place where people compare their lowlights against everyone else’s highlights. We see all these beautifully edited pictures of different people having fun with their partner/friends/family and it all seems so unattainable. They all look so happy and so close and as we reflect on our own lives, we believe that we don’t have that. When we start to compare we are suggesting that they have something better than us. People don’t care about us that way. Our friends aren’t as cool as them. Our partner isn’t as thoughtful or affectionate as theirs.
This very popular lie is quite literally stealing our joy. It is blinding us from seeing the blessings all around us. It is – unbeknown to us – slowly turning us into an ungrateful generation, and ungrateful people are never happy. It is ungratefulness that causes us to hurt and replace people we know. I would even dare to say it is ungratefulness that causes people to cheat. It is ungratefulness that brings out the worst in us. It is ungratefulness that causes us to hate our lives. And if we continue to look at what everyone else has and be envious of it, I fear that we will never be happy.

The Better Spade
I used to work in a nursery and I remember one day I was playing in the sand with a little girl. We both had a spade and bucket each and I was scooping up the sand into the bucket. The little girl sat and watched me for a while before holding out her own spade towards me. She wanted to trade, so I swapped mine for hers. She took it happily and started to dig, so I continued to scoop the sand into the bucket. After a while though, I noticed she has stopped and was watching me again. Once again, she held out her spade towards me so we could trade. This happened repeatedly again and again. She was convinced that I was using the better spade. We both had exactly the same resources. We both had the same kind of spade. Mine wasn’t shiny or bigger or special in any way. The only difference was that I was focussing on what I had and she wasn’t. She was too busy looking at me. In her mind, she was convinced that I had something better than her and she wanted it. But I didn’t.  I just knew how to enjoy it. (As much as an adult can enjoy using a bucket and spade.)
What’s more, even when I did give her what I had and took what she had, she was still convinced that I had something better. The reason I’ve shared this little story is because I think this is what we do with relationships. But here is the truth in black and white.

Other people’s relationships aren’t better than yours. The grass isn’t greener on the other side. It is greener where you water it. People who seem to have better relationships than you don’t actually have better relationships than you. They have just learnt how to enjoy them.

This right here is the first key to happiness.
To know that the people who can give us what we’re looking for are already in our lives. They’re not lost in our past, and they’re not waiting for us in our future. They are here now. We have ALL been given amazing people. They are blessings that we never had to look for. Gifts that we never had to buy. They are people who are already freely given to us. Happiness just comes from knowing what we’ve already got and be thankful for it. We simply need to open our eyes and see them. Then we need to put the work in. Once we understand that we already have what we are looking for, the next step is to put in the effort. People make time for people they trust and people trust people who care about them. So the effort we are putting in is showing them bit by bit that we care about them. That they mean something to us and we are there for them. That we are trustworthy. The kind of relationships we’re looking for take time and care. If we are willing to do that, then we can ALL have the relationships we desire. I honestly believe that positive relationships do have the power to bring deep joy, real happiness and life to the full. They are worth every bit of effort. To care for someone and have someone care for you is everything. This is why I genuinely believe it is so important to teach our children to be thankful. When we teach our children to be thankful, we teach them so much more than just manners. We show them how to be happy!

How to make your side greener
In my blog, ‘Friends. How to keep them,’ I talk about how laziness is a killer!
If you want some practical ideas on how to tackle laziness head on then give it a read. https://tiffanyjade.blog/2018/06/24/friends/
I am a big believer in extravagant love. Going out of your way for people. I’ve not mastered it, but it’s what I strive to do`. I want to forgive always. Be there to help practically or financially. I want to surprise my friends with a random gift or surprise, just because I love them. I want everything I say to be good and encouraging so it builds people up rather than tears them down. I want to help people realise how amazing they really are and reach their potential. I want to be affectionate, loving and give all the time I can. I want to give my full attention when I’m with people and not be staring at my phone. I want to always be fun and bring joy to people’s lives. Be there to celebrate when things are going well for them. Never jealous of them, but instead be their biggest supporter.  I want to always be there when poo hits the fan. I’m aware that sometimes people don’t need me to fix their problems, they just need someone who won’t judge them. Someone who will simply listen. I want to be thankful for my husband, my family and my friends. I want them to know they are appreciated and loved more than they could ever know.

 I’ll be honest, I am a million miles away from being all of these things. There are times when I do start comparing and there are days when I wish I had “what other people have.” And it is those days where I am unhappy with my life. Why? Because I become ungrateful. But on the days where I am thankful – and that is becoming the majority of the time now thanks to Jesus helping me train my brain to think differently – I am blissfully happy for my life and everything in it because I am aware I already have what “everyone else has.” Even when I’ve gone through tricky situations, life has still been amazing because I know what I have vastly outweighs the rubbish. Like I said, I am a million miles away from being everything I want to be, but even making these small changes has made a massive impact in my life.

I used to feel like I didn’t have many good friends and that people didn’t care about me. But if I was to be brutally honest, I didn’t put an awful lot of time into them either and always daydreamed about having “better friends.” (Whatever they are?)  I got out what I put in. But over the last couple of years where myself and my husband have made “making time for people” a priority, people have changed towards us. We have friends and family who would do anything for us and look forward to seeing us. They put as much into us as we put into them. Long distance hasn’t been an issue with our ‘Long distance’ friends. We are just as close to them… in fact we have grown with them more than ever. Even when I have screwed up royally, our relationships have been strong enough to withstand it. And why? Because we are thankful for those people in our lives and they know it!
I live my life surrounded by people that I love who love me in return, and nothing has brought me more joy than that. And not because life has been a smooth ride. I’m not saying that, because it certainly hasn’t. Even over the past year, I have experienced things that almost floored me. But through it all, I have had people in my corner, loving and supporting me and that has filled me with joy. That is the happiness I am talking about. Not the feeling that is affected by circumstance, but a thankfulness and joy inside that lasts despite circumstance. Because like I said before, I know what I have vastly outweighs all the rubbish. I don’t believe that the people in my life are better than the people in anyone else’s lives. I am simply thankful and because of that, I am happy.

The Secrets to Happiness

I don’t believe that we were created to just simply exist.

I believe we were created to live.

Not just to amble along, but to experience life to the full.

I think the main thing that people search for in this life is happiness. If you ask parents what they want most for their children, most of the time their answer is “For them to be happy.” It is a simple desire, and yet so many of us struggle to hold onto it. We go searching for it in its many forms.

We convince ourselves that more money will make us happy, shopping will make us happy, our homes and our possessions will make us happy. All these different ways we try to buy our happiness.
We also convince ourselves that the future will make us happy. We keep looking forward to what’s happening at the weekend, or next month, or next year. We have become a generation that always wants more. We are not satisfied any longer with what we have in front of us. Our eyes are always looking around to what everyone else has. Always looking ahead to the future instead of the present. We are constantly looking to find the next best thing, the next fresh idea, constantly comparing.  And even if we get what we want and we get that rush of excitement and pride, it never lasts long. Eventually it loses its charm. It isn’t new anymore. It’s become normal and mundane. So once again our eyes dart around for the next thing.

I am still young, and I have a lot left to learn over the course of my life. But even though I am young, I have come to realise three things when it comes to “happiness:”

1. I had to stop counting down for the next best thing in my calendar, waiting for tomorrow.

Before Jonny and I got married, we were given a lot of advice. One piece of advice in particular stood out to me. I was told to keep taking moments throughout our wedding day to stop and look around. To enjoy what was going on around me, be in the moment. Otherwise the day would speed through and it would be over before I knew it. I made sure I did that, and sure enough the day didn’t whizz past at all! It slowed my day right down and I remember so many details! Not long after, I went out for lunch with one of my friends and told her about this. I told her that it had made me realise I didn’t want to spend my life looking forward to the “next thing.” I didn’t want to spend my week wishing for the weekend, or my year wishing for my next holiday or the next social event. Life went too quickly if I did that and I was at risk of missing the best moments of my life that were happening now! Instead, I wanted to appreciate and enjoy every moment of every day and be completely present! I wanted to notice what I had and make the most of it, and since doing that, it started slowing my life right down! That is when I started to understand what really mattered in life, and what truly brought real joy.

2) I had to stop looking at what everyone else had and wanting more.

Instead I had to actually look at what and who I had in my life and appreciate it all! It’s easy to be jealous of what other people have but I had a clear choice. I could look at other people’s relationships, experiences and abilities and be envious of them, or I could realise that perhaps they had it because they worked hard to get it that way. Maybe the reason those people who had friends who would do anything for them was because they loved and put time into those friends. Maybe those people who are incredibly talented got there because they practiced and made a heck of a lot of mistakes in the process. They knew what they had, loved what they had, cared for what they had, and now they were reaping the benefits.

3) We can’t buy happiness.

We will never experience happiness if we always focus on what we don’t have and give into this need of wanting more. Not the happiness we’re looking for anyway. Yes we can buy a temporary version of it, but it never lasts long. I’m not talking about that kind of happiness. I’m talking about something deeper. I’m talking about a happiness that brings contentment, purpose and a joy that does last. That is what we really desire. And I believe it is attainable. What’s more, I believe I have it.
The secrets to happiness. The key to unlocking those secrets was right in front of me the entire time, and the same is true for you. I believe the answer lies right underneath your nose. It does not come in many forms, but in three.
The key is this: The things that bring real joy aren’t the things we buy, but are in fact the things that are already freely given to us!

1. Our relationships

2. Our dreams and talents inside us

3. The beautiful world around us

I know it is easy to look at these three points and roll our eyes. It sounds so obvious. Or we can read it and think, “What good will that do?” But once we give the time to understand their significance and what they actually mean to us, they can give us real meaning and purpose!
Once I knew what I had and who I had and made sure I loved and enjoyed it all, appreciated it all, made the most of it all, something shifted. I can genuinely say that I am content and experiencing a life of adventure with people I love all around me. And the wonderful thing about it is that every single one of these gifts are attainable for everyone. They are all things we naturally possess.
And unlike the other things we mentioned before, each of these three gifts have the potential to give us the long lasting happiness we are searching for because they are not superficial! They are deeper and more fulfilling than anything we can buy and they are freely given to us by someone who created us to enjoy them. Half of the reason we exist is because we are created to love and enjoy them and when we do, they can give us life to the full. These are what I believe are the secrets to true happiness. We just need to appreciate them and put the work in!

I do also believe there is a fourth secret, but I will share that towards the end of the series. Over the next month or so I want to go into more detail on how to make the most of each one in order to change our lives for the better. But just to finish, there is a famous quote that says,

You get out what you put in.”

Everything starts off small, but if we look after these things and put time and effort into them, we get out what we put in. If you want stronger relationships, they take more care. If you want to grow your talents, they take more practice. We need to stop looking at everything else around us, and start noticing what is right in front of us.When we stop looking at the future, or what everyone else has or what we don’t have, and start making the most out of what we actually do have, it becomes beautiful and more fulfilling than you ever thought possible. We start to experience a real joy that overwhelms us and actually lasts! The key isn’t to get more. The key is to know what has already been given to us and put more into that! The key is to be thankful.

Finding what you love

“If you have something you love but aren’t doing it because of what others might think, just do it… All that matters is that you go for it and do what you love without the weight of others opinions.” tiffanyjadedotblog

This quote from my last post “It’s Time For The Deep End,” makes sense for a lot of people, but for others, that’s not the problem. It’s not always other’s opinions that stop us from doing what we love. Sometimes the problem is the fact that we don’t have a flipping clue what we love! Sometimes it’s our own opinions.

I have an amazing friend from church. She’s one of those friends that will do anything for you, will message you if it’s been a while and always gives you her full attention when you finally do get around to hanging out. She’s one of the good ones. I live right next to this beautiful park that she’d not been to before and we hadn’t caught up in some time so we decided to go for a walk.
As we were chatting, she mentioned how she was feeling really burnt out and exhausted. She said that her life just seemed to be going to work and then going home, never getting any “me” time.
I asked her if she ever did anything for herself, to which she said no.
So I said, “Right well you have to do something for you or of corse you’re going to feel burnt out!” I told her about my dancing and what that had done for me and followed it up with a question.
“What are you good at?” To that she replied, “I’m not good at anything.”

Unfortunately, my friend is not the first person who’s ever believed this about herself and most likely won’t be the last. I’ve heard a number of people say exactly the same statement. “I’m not good at anything.” Maybe it’s something that you’ve said, that you believe? There are lots of reasons why we think this. Why we don’t do what we love.
We don’t know where to start? We’re too scared? Too busy? That or we’re really not bothered about it at all? Or maybe it’s simply because life got in the way? It was just something we did in school and we’d forgotten about it. I don’t know if any of these reasons might be your reasons, but I want to chat through some of them…

“I don’t know what I’m good at.”
The first step is actually knowing what on earth you want to do in the first place! Sometimes the problem isn’t that you don’t want to be more adventurous. It’s not that you don’t want to take up a hobby again and run with it. It’s that you believe you don’t have anything to run with! It’s that you genuinely don’t know where to start! I have learnt that just telling people they’re good at something doesn’t quite cut it. I could have sat there till I was blue in the face trying to convince my friend that she was good at things, but she would have never believed it. For her, just figuring out what she was good at was daunting enough without then actually having to do it. I realised I had to change the question to “What do you enjoy?”
She sat there quietly for a bit then thinking, and suddenly a long list of dreams and past hobbies began to spring from her mouth. Cycling, netball, reading… She’d forgotten about all these things she used to love in school and hadn’t thought to try them again. Maybe sometimes the first step isn’t to figure out what you are good at. Maybe sometimes the first step is just to figure out what you enjoy.

“Fear of failure.”
Maybe you’ve given different things a go but after a few attempts you realise you’re not “very good.” Because of this, you assume that’s just not your thing and move on. Or maybe you haven’t even got as far as trying because you’re too scared you’ll look like an idiot… that you’ll find something else you can’t do. The truth is, you only get good at things when you try. And you only get better with practice. Look at athletes. They train hard for hours and hours every day, pushing themselves to crazy limits, changing their whole lifestyle in order to get to where they need to be. They’re not where they are just because they’re “really good.” It took time and persistence. No one is reallygood at anything when they first start, but after hard work and commitment – and messing up a whole lot of times – that is when you start to see progress, and all the hard work pay off. And like I said in my previous post, it doesn’t matter what other people think! They’re opinions should never get in the way of you doing what you love. If you mess up in front of people, who cares? Mistakes are nothing to be afraid of! Mistakes are the lessons we need to take in order to learn. Find out what works and what doesn’t? You live and learn. It’s not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a great thing!

I learnt to ski for the first time ever last summer and decided to give the biggest slope at the Chill Factore a try. However, as I stood there 40 metres up high, I instantly regretted my decision. But there was only one way down.. and apparently that was crashing. As I dusted myself off at the bottom, I decided that if I didn’t go straight back up I would be afraid to try again. So I made myself go up again and on the way down I controlled it for a little longer before I crashed. And I kept going and going, learning as I went and slowly I got better until I pretty much made it down to the bottom upright!
There is a very old school, incredibly cheesy song called ‘Get up,’ by Superchick. But I have always loved the lyrics.

I’m  not afraid to fall
It means I climbed up  high
To fall is not to fail
You fail when you don’t try
I’m not afraid to fall
I might just learn to fly
And I will spread these wings of mine

“I can’t be bothered.”
Sometimes you just can’t be bothered! When you’ve worked hard all day or you’re peopled out, all you want to do is get in your comfy clothes and slob out in front of the TV. The idea of going out and doing something else is exhausting and maybe even the worst suggestion anyone could ever make. Some people stay cooped up in their homes because it’s safer there. Some actually don’t like leaving the house. When I was younger, I did this a lot. People would sometimes invite me out and I would turn them down because all I’d rather be doing is watching different TV series I was hooked on. I didn’t have time for people and I didn’t have time for hobbies. And in the moment it seemed like I chose the better option. Way more relaxing and fun. But over time, those repetitive decisions took their toll on me. I found myself fairly friendless and the only thing I could say I was passionate about was TV. After being isolated and motionless for so long, it started to affect my perspective of myself and the world. I didn’t have any confidence and started to think quite negatively about everything and everyone, including myself. And I watched as other people thrived off doing what they loved whilst I just sat back and watched them. Luckily I snapped out of that as the years went on and got back into dancing and writing and seeing my friends. It took a lot of effort at first to battle that mind set of “I actually can’t be bothered!” But it was worth it because honestly, I feel so much better for it! I have confidence in myself and my abilities again and I feel a sense of achievement and purpose. I have things to work towards and get better at, I have ways to express myself and I have something for me! I feel like I get to be myself. I’m not isolated anymore so I’m not left alone with only my thoughts and opinions, but I get to share life with people around me. Your house is your home, but don’t ever let it be your prison. It is worth picking yourself up from your safe, comfy house to do something a little different – and at first uncomfortable – because it opens up a whole new way of living!

“I’m just too busy…Other people’s needs have got in the way.”
The biggest example – although not the only example – of this is parenting. We spend so much of our lives loving and caring for these little people and keeping them alive, making sure they’re happy and functioning properly, that any spare time – if there ever is any – is purely for recovery.
However, sacrifices of time aren’t just made with children. We can devote all of our time to love and support other family members, work colleagues, friends, partners, to meet their expectations and their needs.
They have dreams and talents and we want them to achieve every single one!
It is a massive privilege to watch people we love be happy and excel in their gifts and talents, supporting them and encouraging them every step of the way. I love that! Never stop doing that. But for some people, maybe they’ve been so busy making sure other people are happy, so supportive of other people and their dreams, that they forgot to do anything for themselves? They forgot to look after and enjoy their own dreams and talents. They’re too busy. There is absolutely no time for anything else extra, especially no “me time.” I’m not saying that carving out time is going to be an easy job, but to give yourself a chance to do something for yourself and stop yourself burning out, surely is worth a try?
Because as important as it is to support people we love doing what they love, there should definitely be a point at which we take some time to do what we love too, because we all have something to give, and each is as valuable as the rest.

I don’t know if any of these reasons ring true with you, but when it comes to the statement “I’m not good at anything,” I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it’s true for anyone. I believe that everyone has a talent or a gift, something that they are good at. The problem isn’t that they aren’t good at anything. Maybe instead, the problem is that people haven’t given enough time or chances to find out what it could be? Other people’s skills don’t disqualify ours. We all bring something different to the table!
This amazing analogy coming up sums it up perfectly.

The Human Body
The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body… If the foot says, “I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,” that does not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear says, “I am not part of the body because I am not an eye,” would that make it any less a part of the body?  If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?
But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. How strange a body would be if it had only one part! The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”

The Bible.

I love this! It is a beautiful picture that shows that no matter how different you are, we all have something to offer! We all have a purpose and something we are good at which makes the body – this world – work better as a whole! It wouldn’t work if we were all the same. Also, don’t underestimate the value of being good at listening! Good at advice, hosting, caring for people, serving others, being generous, etc! Although they may not be “hobbies” as such, they are actions that make a difference to people’s lives and are things that not everyone is naturally gifted at. If you’re good at it, run with it.

My friend that I mentioned at the start of this post went on to cycle in a race called ‘Coast to coast’ and raised a heck of a lot of money for a charity she’s passionate about.  On top of that, she’s just joined a netball team again which she loves. And it has been my pleasure to watch as joy, fun, achievement and purpose fills her life again.

It’s still January! It’s still a fresh slate, a brand new year full of possibilities and adventure. And I believe there are some people who are yet to unlock a whole new side of themselves they didn’t know existed, who have talents and dreams that they haven’t tapped into yet, which can only be discovered when they take a chance and experiment. If that is you, go out at find it! There’s still so much time! Go and find what you love and run with it!

It’s Time for the Deep End!


So it’s the New Year. 2019. A fresh slate. An opportunity for anything to happen!
A lot of us might have set some New Year’s resolutions – some of us might have already given up on those New Year’s Resolutions. Some people haven’t come up with any at all because they don’t see the point. I personally LOVE setting New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t see it as a sure way to fail, but an opportunity to get better. And you have 12 months to try! You can try something you’ve always wanted to learn, put yourself out there, see people more often.

Maybe one of your resolutions this year is to try something new? Or go back to something you haven’t done in years? A hobby? A talent?

I love finding out what people are good at. That thing they know about and enjoy talking about because they love it. You hear all kinds of answers. Photography. Singing. Drawing. Guitar. Sewing. Football. Karate. It just makes conversation so much more interesting than the usual small talk starters. You know, “What do you do?” “Guess how old I am.” And it’s more interesting because they’re talking about something they care about. Next thing I ask is, “Are you doing it?” People tend to be quite thrown by that question. Because a lot of the time, the answer is no.

If you had asked me what I loved doing, I would of said dancing, singing and writing. Those were my three. I loved to dance when I was younger.  I danced all the time, anywhere and everywhere, getting involved in anything that I could. But if you asked me if I was dancing now, my answer would have been no. And the reason for this is quite simple. I cared too much about what people thought.

I don’t think I’m alone in that. How many of us won’t do something because there are too many people around? How many of us are scared about what other people might think? The thing about our talents is that they are a little part of who we are. They are precious to us because not only are we good at them, we enjoy them. So if anyone were to reject our talents, they would be rejecting us. We don’t want people to think that we are not good enough at our talents because that’s the thing we’re good at. So if people think we are not good at that, then what are we good at? And we tell ourselves, ‘nothing.’ So to prevent this, we take our talents, the things we’re good at, the things we enjoy, and we hide them away because we are afraid of the world’s opinion.

Dream vs. Reality

When I was younger, I loved it so much I decided I wanted to do it professionally for a job so I begged my parents to take me to dance college,  which they did. But I learnt quickly that the picture I had had in my head of what it would be like, was in fact very, very different to the real thing.
In the real professional dance world, image is everything. It has to be. You have to be the best of the best if you want to get anywhere. If you’re not, you’re practically invisible. There’s no room for anything less than the best. On top of that, you have to look a certain way. You have to be beautiful. You have to be striking. You have to be different. I didn’t realise that when I stepped into this world as a sixteen year old girl. I was good at dancing and I loved it with all my heart, but so did the other students in my class. Students where the majority of them had been training at a high level from a very young age. Students who already had brilliant technique as I was learning it for the first time. Students who weren’t just good. They were brilliant. They were the best. Very quickly I found myself drowning and falling further and further behind. I tried so hard but they were better.  But it wasn’t just skill alone where I was behind.

On top of that, one of the teachers from the dance school told me over the time I was there that I didn’t know how to do my hair or my make- up and my bum was too big. She said I was a wallflower. That I was currently unnoticeable. It was her way of trying to improve me and help me. To make me do something about it so I would be better and haver a better chance in this profession obsessed with image. But as a sixteen year old girl who already didn’t have a very high opinion of herself, it floored me. I remember one day someone gave me a makeover and as I walked out of the changing rooms, a boy in my class said to me, “You were one of the worst looking girls but now you look good.” I cared about what these people thought and hung onto every word that they said. As the year went on I felt more and more average looking, humiliated and invisible.

When we performed routines in front of each other, no one watched me. When it came to the end of year shows, no one chose me for their choreography. I was hardly involved in anything. I began to believe I wasn’t good at dancing. I noticed the others improve and exceed and grow in confidence, and watched as mine shrivelled up before my eyes. I completed the course two years later and I gained a qualification, but I lost my love for dance.
I decided to put dance on the shelf and do something completely different with my life.  That’s what took me to Manchester. I lived with my friends Jacquie and Steve for a bit and ended up telling Jacquie about my dancing. After that, she would bring it up every now and then for years after I told her, encouraging me to try again. Not for a profession, but in church or for fun. And for years I would half -heartedly agree with absolutely no intention of doing it. I just didn’t dance anymore. No biggy. I also loved writing when I was younger. Did it all the time until I got older and got too busy. Guess what? Didn’t do that either. I buried both of them in the ground because to me, it was safer there. Safer to hide. No one could bad mouth them there.

7 years later…
That was 7 years ago, and in that time I got closer to God by spending time with him and learned more about who He is and how much he loved me. I gradually got my confidence and my identity back to the point where I am incredibly secure in who I am. I know who I am. But God started to pull me up on dance, reminding me that I loved it and that it was something that he’d given to me for me. I had been putting off dance because of people’s opinions. That people would see me and think I wasn’t good enough. But they were only opinions! And opinions are different. They’re subjective. They change. They are up and down. People are for you and then they’re against you. Whereas I had been learning that God’s opinion of me never changed, no matter what I did. He speaks truth. He always loved me, he is always there as my biggest supporter and he’d made me to dance. It didn’t matter what people thought, it only mattered what he thought. So eventually I decided to try a dance class as a 25 year old.

The Deep End
It was hilarious actually. I thought I’d go easy on myself and start with the beginners class so I went with my two friends from church. But when we got there the beginners class had been cancelled for that week alone. In its place was an advanced street class full of very gangster street dancers who had been doing it since they were in the womb, and that class was in a front studio which had a wall of glass so everyone outside could see in. We freaked out but thought we’d driven all that way so we might as well give it a go. I said a little prayer to God. Something probably along the lines of, “HELP ME!” It was completely out of my comfort zone and at first I felt all my old fears creeping up. But then something different happened. Before I would look at those dancers and think, “I’m not as good as that. I look really stupid. I might as well give up now.” But this time I found myself thinking, “I want to be as good as them. If I give up, how can I do that? But if I give it a go, and give it my everything, I will get there. It’s not about skill. It’s about willingness.”


Do you know the people in this world who have excelled in their talents are the people who took risks and went for it even when there was a chance they could fail? I realised then that it didn’t matter what people thought. It didn’t matter if they were better or worse than me. It didn’t matter if I made mistakes and got it wrong. What mattered was my willingness to try and get better. What mattered was being myself and doing what I loved because I loved it. What happened if I failed? I just got back up again. You live and learn.
Going back to dance was the best thing I ever did that year! I have loved every single class and it’s brought so much joy back to my life! It even helped me take more risks with singing and start writing again . And guess what, all my friends and family have been completely behind me anyway. My friend Jacquie was practically in tears that God had freed me and I was finally doing what I loved again. They’re not why I did it, but it’s been amazing to have people so happy for me.
Life is about jumping into the deep end, taking a risk and – if you believe he exists – trusting God. Because when we fully step out and make ourselves vulnerable, there is an opportunity for us to grow in ways we never thought possible and learn more than we ever could of if we had just played it safe. You gain so much more than you loose. It’s freeing! Life is so much more exciting and there are so many more experiences available to us.


If you have something you love and want to do but aren’t doing it because of what others might think… just do it! People in your life will probably be more behind you than you thought, but if not do it anyway! If this is your New Year’s Resolution, do it! If it’s not, do it anyway. No one can be you. All that matters is just going for it and doing what you love without the weight of other’s opinions. Get out of your comfort zone and be the best version of yourself. The deep end is where the adventure is. I hope 2019 is an exciting year for you! In fact, I hope it is the best year ever!

Friends – ‘Comparison is the Thief of Joy’


3) Comparison

The last of the three main hurdles that can cause a rift between friends is comparison.We are a generation who loves to compare. We compare everything from looks and possessions to successes and relationships. Who has the better relationship? The better job? The better house? The better clothes? Who is more popular? Who is prettier? Who is fitter? Who is funnier? Who is smarter? Who sings better? Who plays better? Who works harder? We constantly find ourselves in competition, constantly having to ramp it up because we have fallen into that trap of basing our self- esteem on being better than others or having the best things. It’s hard work and it’s exhausting. And the thing is, the second we start losing we usually find our whole life comes crashing down. And we start wanting what other people have. Jealousy is a terrible thing. It is destructive. It is stemmed from not being satisfied or grateful for what you already have, and turns into a silent resentment that starts to eat away at you. It doesn’t matter if that person is a stranger, a friend or a family member. If you start to become jealous over who they are and what they have, you stop being happy for them. You stop wanting the best for them and you start to feel negatively towards them. Jealousy and comparison don’t just have the potential to ruin our own self – esteem and happiness, but our relationships as well. It’s even worse when we compare and think we are winning. That we are better and what we have is better, because that is when pride and arrogance step in. And it is a lie. Money does not make a person better, neither do looks or possessions or status. We have not looked into the eyes of anyone who we are superior to nor inferior. We are all different and unique definitely. But we are equals. Equals who bring different things to the table rather than competitors trying to win our way there. What if I told you it didn’t have to be that way? That your life didn’t have to be one big competition all the time and you could actually just be happy? It involves having a complete change of attitude and training yourself to think about it in a different away. It involves two things.

1) Being grateful for what you have.

It can be so easy to moan about the things in your life, especially when you have got yourself in a habit of thinking negatively. But the truth is, if you have friends and family who love you, that’s precious. If you have a house, that’s a blessing. If you have a job, that’s a life saver. If you’re comparing what someone else has over you, look at what you have again and start noticing the beauty of that, because it is beautiful. What they have is different, not better. And as for possessions, possessions are luxuries, not necessities. Some people don’t have that. Some people have less than you. I know that sentence is incredibly overused but it is true. What’s ironic is in my experience, I usually find it’s the people who have less who are happier because they understand what’s important in life. The times in my life where I have been most happy is when I’ve gone camping with my friends, simply because you don’t take any of your possessions with you. It doesn’t matter about money and it doesn’t matter what you wear or how you look. You’re camping! You’re all in the same boat. You can’t be on your phone all the time or watch TV. You have each other and you start to interact with people again and talk and play games, rather than staring absentmindedly at your phone or hiding in the four walls of your home.  It starts to bring a bit of equality back into life. You get to know people properly and realise how great they are and remember what truly matters in life. You stop worrying about what people are thinking about you and letting that get in the way of actually getting closer to them. You become grateful for them and what they bring to your life rather than all the rest of it. And you start caring about them rather than competing with them. Although we can’t always go camping, we can start remembering who we have in our lives and making time for them. There is a phrase that says, the best things in life are free. People are amazing and you don’t have to buy them. It’s time we started appreciating them again.


Sometimes, it can be as simple as appreciating creation around you. Nature is beautiful. When was the last time you stopped to appreciate it?



And when it comes to your comparing your talents and what you love doing, remember that it doesn’t matter if people are better than you or worse than you. It’s simply about doing what you love because you love it and it makes you happy. If you have something that you love that makes you happy, you should be grateful for that gift in your life. Because some people don’t think they are good at anything or enjoy doing anything. (Which isn’t true by the way. And as a side note, sometimes the question isn’t “What am I good at?” but “What do I enjoy?” Everyone enjoys doing something. You just have to find it.) It isn’t about skill. It’s about willingness. And if you want to be better, practice! Focus on where you are at and where you want to be, not anyone else. They may be good, but they are different. You are different. You bring something different to the table. I have a very good friend who has an amazing phrase that we’ve all started to live by. He says, “You be you.” I love it. It’s so simple. Don’t try to be anyone else but be the best version of you. No one can be you. You are you and they are them. As a Christian, I believe God created you the way you are for a reason, and you were created to be loved by him. That is your purpose, and that is why you will always be enough.

So if you are struggling with comparison, maybe write down – or at least start thinking about – what you actually have in your life to be grateful for. And I’ll be honest, it isn’t a quick fix. Like I said at the beginning, you have to train yourself to think like this. It’s like athletes who have to train to be good enough for competitions. It takes time and you have to do it over and over. But if you consistently train yourself to be grateful for things in your life and think positively about what you have, it will become gradually more natural to you, and you will have an appreciation of life that you didn’t have before. The difference a positive attitude can make to your life is enormous. It’s hard but it’s worth it.

2) Preferring others.

Naturally we think of ourselves. Our needs, our wants and our desires. And this is where comparison thrives because we are all looking out for number one and nobody can get in the way of that. But if we were to stop looking inwardly at ourselves and what we can gain for one moment, and start to look outwardly at others and have their best interests at heart, comparison finally gives way to something else. Love and joy. When we start caring more about what other people have and put their needs and feelings before our own, our whole perspective shifts. Instead of thinking, “Why them?” we train ourselves to be happy for what they have because we love them, and we want the best for them. We want them to be happy. When we realise it’s not just about us, that starts to affect our own feelings about ourselves. It feels good to love other people. We were created to do it. It’s not about winning or being better. It’s about wanting the best for each other. Loving each other extravagantly. It doesn’t matter if this person keeps getting more opportunities than us. Good for them! They’re happy and that’s a great thing. Celebrate with them. And one day an opportunity will come to you, and you will have one more person cheering in your corner. One example I could give is how much I love my sister. Now in the world’s eyes she has a better job than me and a bigger house than me and has seen more of the world than I have. But I can genuinely say that not once have I been jealous of her. She’s done well in her life, and she’s worked hard to get there. Plus I’m very grateful for the job I have and the house I live in. They’re blessings to me. Bigger isn’t better to me, and money doesn’t buy my happiness. But seeing my sister content, that does make me happy. And even if my sister were to win the lottery and have more opportunities in life than me, and have more friends than me and go on more holidays than me, I would be overjoyed for her. Because I love her, and I want her to have the best life. Another example is a girl I used to find myself competing with when it came to our friends. If she hung out with people more than me or got invited to places I didn’t I hated it. Likewise, if I got to hang out and she didn’t, I felt very smug. But over the years as I have been learning about preferring others, I came to realise that she wasn’t better than me. And I wasn’t better than her. We were different, and our friends loved us equally for different reasons. It was okay that people wanted to hang out with her, because actually she was my friend. I should want her to be loved and have the best friendships that she could. So I changed my attitude and started training myself to be happy for her, that she had people in her life to support and love her, myself included. Not only did it do wonders for our friendship, it did wonders for my self-esteem too. The thing is, our self- esteem shouldn’t be based on others or on things. We should be more concerned on who we are as people.

If we can start to train ourselves to prefer others and appreciate what we have in our own lives, comparison dies and suddenly we start to look out for each other instead. Our relationships start to flourish. We start to realise the beauty of everyone bringing something different to the table, and realise our own self-worth as well. We realise that they are not better and we are not better, but that we are all of equal worth. The world would be a happier place if we started to look at everyone that way.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Theodore Roosevelt

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them.

Romans 12:9 – The Bible

“Don’t act out of selfish ambition or be conceited. Instead, humbly think of others as being better than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3 – The Bible

“In all things, give thanks.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18 – The Bible

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father.”

James 1:17 – The Bible